The Second Book of Ayres
Thomas Campian
The Second Book of Ayres
Bestell-Nr 449731
Ed.-Nr DZ 1792
ISBN 9782896556915
Besetzung Gesang und Gitarre
Schwierigkeit 3
Ausgabe Spielpartitur
Herausgeber Bataini, Marc
Preis 19,00
Lieferstatus Lieferbar  Lieferbar
Bestellmenge  (mindestens 1)
1. Vaine men whose follies 2. How eas’ly wert thou chained 3. Harden now thy tired heart 4. O what unhop’d for sweet supply 5. Good men show, if you can tell 6. Where she her sacred bow’r adorns 7. Fain would I my love disclose 8. Give beauty all her right 9. O dear that I with thee might live 10. What harvest half so sweet is 11. Sweet exclude me not 12. The peaceful western wind 13. There is none, O none but you 14. Pin’d I am, and like to die 15. So many loves have I neglected 16. Though your strangeness frets my heart 17. Come away, arm’d with love’s delights 18. Come you pretty false-eyed wanton 19. A secret love or two 20. Her rosy cheeks 21. Where shall I refuge seek?
D-OZ Les Productions
2220 chemin du Fleuve
CA Saint-Romuald G6W 1Y4